Worship the Lord with Gladness!
Come into his presence with a Song!

It is with great joy and excitement that we share the news that the Session of Grace First Presbyterian Church has approved resuming in-person worship services in the Sanctuary.

As always, our two Sunday morning worship services are:

Traditional Worship
Led by Organ

Contemporary Worship
Led by Praise Band

Live streaming of the 9:00AM service will continue to be offered each Sunday.

In-person fellowship/coffee hours has resumed following both services. All are welcome to meet and mingle in the Ministry Center.

We look forward to seeing you and being together! We encourage you to download the bulletin to your phone or tablet and bring it with you to worship. This will help us reduce our waste as we continue to strive to reach our "Earth Care Congregation" goals.

Currently, we celebrate the Sacrament of Communion on the first Sunday of the month at the 9:00AM service, and each Sunday at the 11:00AM service.